Welcome to Cafe D’ La Finquita

Now we offer free shipping on your orders with delivery in the USA of 3 lbs and up!

Welcome to our website and online store for Cafe D’La Finquita, where nature truly matters. We are currently setting things up to be able to offer online ordering of coffee direct from our small farm in Guatemala to wherever you are. We offer the highest quality premium roasted Guatemala coffee direct to your home.

At Cafe D’La Finquita we produce premium roasted coffee of the highest quality. First, we aim at producing small batches, roasted fresh to keep make sure your coffee is fresh like drinking at the farm. Second, we pride ourselves on being a small nature reserve. We preserve forest areas as part of the plantation to help reduce deforestation.

Our coffee is primarily of the Bourbon and Catuaí varieties. These offer great cups of coffee as they are grown at optimal altitudes near Guatemala City.

I invite you to head over to our shop to view our current selection of whole bean and ground coffee. Our coffee is freshly roasted and shipped to you via express courier. We truly hope you enjoy our product and continue to support small farmers with a passion for the highest quality coffee.

Thank you!

Carol Sturgill