Our new light roast bourbon coffee allows the quality of our coffee to shine through. The taste of a light roast is a crisp, bright cup of coffee that is more acid with a delicate body. All this makes for a pleasant cup of coffee to dazzle your taste buds.
With a very light roast, you can taste the care, processing, and status that our coffee commands. The roasting process caramelizes sugars, fats, and starches in the coffee beans. As a result, the coffee has a sharp, lively taste with a very light body. These coffee beans are a light brown color because of the less time spent roasting. The lighter roast will also result in less oily coffee beans, meaning they will be less shiny.
With a light roast bourbon coffee, the origin of the beans will be most evident. As a result, you can taste the quality and passion of our growing, processing, and roasting. The smell will be fruity and best prepared in a pour-over or cold brew.
With a lightly roasted coffee, there is no hiding behind low quality. Our 100% Arabica bourbon beans will bring out the best quality in this light roast. With Cafe D’ La Finquita, you have premium quality coffee grown in Guatemala delivered directly to your door.
Octavio Cordón –
Excelente café. En este tueste se logran diferenciar las diferentes notas de este excelente Bourbon. Muy recomendado para personas que realmente quieran saborear un muy buen Bourbon.